Society Prizes | CNSS

K.G. McKenzie Memorial Prize for Basic Neuroscience Research /

K.G. McKenzie Memorial Prize for Clinical Neuroscience Research

The Canadian Neurosurgical Society, in co-operation with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, will award one prize in each of the Basic Neuroscience and Clinical Neuroscience categories for the best manuscripts submitted by a neurosurgical resident, in which he or she is the principal author.

  • The K.G. McKenzie Prizes will each consist of:
    • Platform presentation of your work at the CNSF Congress
    • A Prize Certificate
    • $1,000 cash
    • Full registration to the Congress
    • Travel to the Congress (economy fare)
    • 3 nights’ accommodation
  • Additional $500 prize awards may be presented
2025 CNSS Society Prize Submissions - CLOSED
General Requirements for all CNSS Prize Submissions
  • Contestants must be a member in good standing with the Canadian Neurosurgical Society (CNSS) for at least one year prior to submission; as a Junior member or a Full member within two years of receiving their Royal College certificate. (Become a Member | CNSS)
  • Contestants need not be the sole authors, but should have been primarily responsible for the work being presented.
  • The senior neurosurgeon author on the paper must also be a CNSS member in good standing, or receive prior approval if they are a Neuroscientist or related professional. Please forward the senior authors name to with CNSF Member Services in advance of submitting your paper to confirm.
  • Contestants must submit a letter from their program director indicating that the work was done by the trainee, and was principally the work of the trainee (resident or fellow), during training.
  • Contestants must submit a small biography which indicates where the candidate is in their residency or in a diploma program, and listing other work that he/she has done.
  • Contestants must submit a structured abstract, expanded up to, but not exceeding 3 pages, which is to include any figures, tables, and necessary references. Submissions longer than 3 pages of single spaced typing will not be considered. The format followed should consist of Background, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The authors should bear in mind, in the background section, that not all judges will be experts in the subject of the research paper.
  • Those submitting an expanded abstract for a Society Prize must also submit their basic abstract to the CNSF Congress, as instructed in the Call for Abstracts.
  • The Congress Abstract submission process is independent from the Society Prize submission process.
Submission Details
  • Society Prize submissions accepted by email ONLY, on or before January 31, 2025
  • Clearly indicate name of Society Prize you are submitting for; 'Basic Neuroscience Research' or 'Clinical Neuroscience Research'
  • Include title of expanded abstract and the 'basic abstract number' submitted to the CNSF Congress
  • Provide name of senior author on paper
  • Submissions should be sent as three separate PDF files label: last name_
    • 'Letter' from program director
    • 'Biography'
    • 'Expanded Abstract' (not exceeding 3 pages)

Applicants for the prize should send their submissions to:

Canadian Neurosurgical Society