EEG / EMG Section Terms of Reference

The Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologists (CSCN) will have two sections – the “EEG” Section and the “EMG” Section.

Purpose: The sections will discuss matters of professional interest to members of CSCN who have an interest in either EEG or EMG or both.


Each section is accountable to the Board of the Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologists and will report to the Board of Directors and the general membership once a year at the annual scientific meeting of the Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation.

Each section will concern itself with the EEG or EMG issues of national interest, and can vote on any issues before it. Such resolutions must then be brought forward for approval by the Board of Directors of the CSCN.


  • Each section will have its own elected Chair and Secretary, who will be elected by the members of the section for periods of no longer than two years. The Chair and Secretary will sit on the Board of the CSCN as Directors
  • Elections will be held during the Annual General Meeting on alternate years.
  • Only Full members with Diplomate Status of the CSCN section will have the right to be elected.


  • Each section will have its own elected Chair and Secretary, who will be elected by the members of the section for periods of no longer than two years. The Chair and Secretary will sit on the Board of the CSCN as Directors
  • Elections will be held during the Annual General Meeting on alternate years.
  • Only Full members with Diplomate Status of the CSCN section will have the right to be elected.

Duties of Section Chair

  • Chairs the meeting of the section according to proper procedures.
  • Reports on the activities of the section to the CSCN Board of Directors at their meetings and to the CSCN membership at their Annual General Meeting, if the section Secretary is unable to attend.
  • Submits nominations for the positions of Chief Examiners for EEG or EMG, as required, to the CSCN Nominating Committee.

Duties of Section Secretary

  • Takes minutes of the proceedings of the section meeting and records all motions, and the results of voting.
  • Brings forward any business to the CSCN Board of Directors that requires the approval of the Board, especially any matters that involve expenditures of money.
  • Distributes the section meeting minutes to the Secretary-Treasurer of the CSCN and reports to the Board of Directors of the CSCN and the general membership at their Annual General Meeting on the proceedings of the section meeting.