Become a Member | CSCN

Benefits of Membership

As a member of the Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologists, you are automatically a member of the Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation. Learn more about the benefits of CNSF Membership.

CSCN Membership Application Process

Membership in the Society shall be limited to persons interested in furthering the objectives of the Society.

Those who successfully pass the CSCN EEG or EMG exam will be invited to join the CSCN. Other applicants must use the official CSCN Application form.

New applications are reviewed and approved by the CSCN Membership Committee.

Please contact us if you have any questions. Submit complete application form and send accompanying documents to:

Donna Irvin, CNSF Member Services
Telephone: (403) 229-9544 extension 103
Mail: 143N Heritage Square, 8500 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary, AB T2H 2N1
CSCN Memberships Categories
Full Member

Clinical / Full Members (Clinical) are physicians who shall have:

  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada certification in Neurology, Pediatric Neurology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R), Neurosurgery or Orthopedics, or a related specialty, or an equivalent diploma, or a PhD degree in a basic sciences area related to the field of testing performed; and
  • Successfully passed their respective CSCN exam in EEG and/or EMG.


  • Applicants will have distinguished themselves by scientific contributions to the basic scientific aspects of EEG, EMG or clinical neurophysiology and will normally hold an MD or PhD degree or their equivalent.
  • A CSCN exam in EEG/EMG is not required.
Associate Member

Applicants must have an MD or PhD degree or their equivalent, and are electroencephalographers, electromyographers or clinical neurophysiologists who are engaged in the practice of clinical EEG, EMG or clinical neurophysiology or in electroencephalographic, electromyographic or clinical neurophysiological research but who do not meet the criteria for full membership.

Retired Members

Retired Members are Full Members of the Society who are no longer earning income from clinical practice. Full Members must contact the CNSF office to receive a change to Retired Membership status.