Become a Member | CNSF

The Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation (CNSF) is an umbrella organization representing six National Specialty Societies. These organizations form the ‘Membership’ of the CNSF and share a common interest in the functions and disorders of the brain and nervous system.

Members belong to one, or more, of our SIX Societies

Would you like to become a member of one of the CNSF National Specialty Societies?

Would you like to take advantage of the Benefits of CNSF Membership?

Download the appropriate Society Application Form by choosing your Society of Interest.
Canadian Neurological Society (CNS)
Canadian Neurosurgical Society (CNSS)
Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologists (CSCN)
Canadian Association of Child Neurology (CACN)
Canadian Society of Neuroradiology (CSNR)
Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC)
Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation (CNSF)

Or contact:

Donna Irvin, CNSF Member Services
Telephone: (403) 229-9544 extension 103
Your information
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