Strategic Priorities | CNSF

The strategic priorities identify those initiatives that relate to the purpose of the organization and its direction, and as a result, will require the specific attention and focus of the CNSF leadership, and the clear identification of specific priorities that are based on member preferences, and the resources of the CNSF. The CNSF activities that support the neuroscience professions in Canada can be categorized into one of three strategic priorities.

To ensure the achievement of its Vision and Mission, the CNSF has three strategic priorities: Continuing Professional Development; Membership Value; and Advocacy.

The main objectives of these three priorities are listed in this section. In addition, responsibility for expanding and putting these elements into operation has been assigned to one or more of the CNSF constituent societies, committees, or staff.

Continuing Professional Development

The goal of this priority is to review, refine, improve and expand the overall CNSF CPD plan to meet the evolving needs of Society members while continuing to focus on the CNSF’s priorities, i.e. the Congress and the Journal (CJNS). To achieve the goal of this priority, the CNSF will:

  • Identify and document emerging perceived and unperceived educational needs of members. Responsibility: PDC, Staff.
  • Continually evaluate the Congress through periodic assessments of its effectiveness in meeting member needs. Responsibility: PDC, SPC, Staff.
  • Develop and implement a Journal Operational Plan that will increase the impact factor and ensure the Journal prospers and is managed to thrive in a digital world. Responsibility: Journal Editor, Editorial Board, Staff.
  • Promote the development of Clinical Practice Guidelines. Responsibility: CPGC, Staff.

Membership Value

The goal is to build a strong organization that provides value to the constituent societies and their growing memberships. To achieve the goal of this priority, the CNSF will:

  • Increase the Constituent Society membership. Responsibility: Society Executives, Councils, Staff.
  • Encourage the participation of residents. Responsibility: Societies, Resident Representatives, Staff.
  • Review and, if necessary, revise governance and operational capabilities to assure they achieve the CNSF Vision and Mission. Responsibility: Governance Committee, Staff.
  • Maintain ongoing and reliable measurements of current professional resources. Responsibility: Societies, Staff.
  • Provide other added value for members to encourage increased Society membership. Responsibility: Society Councils, Executives, Staff.
  • Develop and grow resources to implement strategies. Responsibility: Staff, Board.
  • Measure and evaluate the success of strategies to achieve the CNSF Vision and Mission. Responsibility: CNSF Board.


The goal is to increase awareness of the impact and burden of diseases, disorders and injuries of the nervous system in Canada on affected individuals, their families, and communities, and the health-care system. The targets of this priority are the policy-makers at all levels of government, the general public and affiliated health care providers. To achieve the priority of strengthening the profession through the building of relationships the CNSF will:

  • Work and/or partner with Affiliate and Associate Societies and other related organizations to increase awareness of neurological conditions. Responsibility: Advocacy Committee, Board, Societies, Staff.
  • Influence public policy decisions on matters related to the CNSF Vision concerning the prevention, diagnosis and management of neurological conditions. Responsibility: Advocacy Committee, Board, Societies, Staff.
  • Advocate for support for basic neuroscience and applied research, including strategies for prevention of neurological conditions. Responsibility: Advocacy Committee, Board, Societies, Staff.