Partner with the CNSF

For information on Sponsorship and the Congress Exhibit Hall, please contact:

Phone: (403) 229-9544

Sponsorship Opportunity

Organizations partner with the CNSF by supporting the Congress or by contributing to other CNSF initiatives.

The CNSF’s Congress is the major gathering of Canadian Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Pediatric Neurologists, Neurophysiologists, Neuroradiologists and Neuroscientists. Every June, members of the six CNSF societies, invited speakers and other members of the neurological community meet in a major Canadian city to fulfill their continuing professional development requirements for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and to network and meet with their colleagues and industry peers.

industry collaboration: accredited activites

The CNSF (Canadian Neurological Society / Canadian Neurosurgical Society) is a Royal College-accredited CPD provider responsible for reviewing programs that have been developed or co-developed by physician organizations for credits under Section 1 (group learning) or Section 3 (self-assessment programs or simulation-based assessment activities) of the Royal College’s Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program.

The CNSF is open to co-developing educational symposia with Industry in adherence with the Standards of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. The CPD Toolkit link below outlines the requirements the CNSF follows.

industry collaboration: UNaccredited activites

The CNSF also develops unaccredited activities with Industry, i.e. Congress Lunch ‘n Learns, Webinars (also accredited). These sessions’ rules, guidelines and procedures follow many of the rules of an accredited session.

To find out more concerning Accredited or Unaccredited CNSF Actives or to discuss all CNSF Sponsorship Opportunities please contact the CNSF.


A website for the Canadian Neurological Community to view industry updates, with companies to showcase their neuro-community involvement, as well as, to share information about their products and services.

Have a closer look at their products and services showcased in our VIRTUAL EXHIBIT HALL.