E-Learning | CNSF

Partners in Education providing Group Learning Activities

The CNSF is pleased to collaborate with Industry Partners and communication companies to provide educational and CME opportunities to our members.

Click the links below to register for individual events or to view outline and learning objectives. For a list of past webinar Recordings and ongoing On-Demand events, click here. CME credits are indicated within individual session details.

Visit our Industry Partners in the VIRTUAL EXHIBIT HALL to learn more about their products and services.

Scheduled events

Section 3 accredited self-learning program on Alzheimer's disease

iD-AD An accredited section 3 self-learning program on Alzheimer's disease awareness and management.

On-Demand program available until: September 2025

Estimated completion time: 2 hours

(Section 3 - Accredited SAP) NOR Activity ID number: 00017043

iD-MA Un programme d’auto-évaluation agréé (section 3) sur la sensibilisation et la prise en charge de la maladie d’Alzheimer.

Programme sur demande jusqu’en septembre 2025

Invitation (FR) - Visitez id-alzheimers.ca/fr pour accéder au programme

Temps estimé pour compléter l'activité: 2 heures

(Section 3 - SAP accrédité) Numéro d'identification de l'activité NOR: 00017043

Recordings / On-demand | CNSF