Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) | CNSF

The Canadian Neurological Sciences Federations Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee (CPGC) is tasked with the review and consideration of best practice guidelines submitted to us by external groups and Affiliate Societies, with the request for endorsement.

We recognize that:

  • Clinical Practice Guidelines are being increasingly used by policy-makers, accreditation bodies, and governments as well as clinicians
  • The processes for developing best-practice guidelines have evolved from being consensus documents prepared by “experts” to guidelines based on evidence-based analyses and qualitative grading techniques
  • Endorsement of practice guidelines by the CNSF and/or the constituent Societies will require a process that takes into account these contemporary standards for guidelines development and implementation


The CPGC is made up of a cross section of the CNSF, including representation from the CNSF Executive Committee, at least one member from each Society, and at least one residents’ representative. Other CPGC members are drawn from the CNSF Associate and Affiliate Societies as required.

The CPGC is accountable to the CNSF Board.

Review Considerations

When considering the endorsement of Clinical Practice Guidelines the committee reviews with the following criteria in mind:

Inter-professional involvement in preparation of guidelines

Have the CPGs been prepared by inter-professional groups of sub-specialized neurologists, neurosurgeons and/or other clinical neuroscience practitioners, most of whom will be members of the Affiliate or Associate Societies of the CNSF committed to regular practice guidelines evaluation and adaptation cycles?

Review of evidence-based recommendations

Are the CPGs supported by an extensive review of international research and published evidence-based best practice recommendations or guidelines related to a specific neurological condition?

Current criteria (e.g. AGREE II) used in the preparation

Are the CPGs prepared in accordance with current evidence-based criteria for the preparation of guidelines (e.g. references in Vachhrajani et al., 2009; see also AGREE II; AGREE Research Trust

Address the continuum of care for specific disorders

Do the CPGs address, where appropriate, the continuum of care for a specific neurological condition, recognizing that some narrowly-focused guidelines may only apply to a restricted segment of continuum of care?

The "continuum of care" includes: primary prevention, health promotion and public awareness, hyperacute management, acute management, rehabilitation, prevention of recurrence (secondary prevention).

Will serve as a frame-work for other jurisdictions (e.g. provinces, territories)

Will the CPGs serve as a framework for provinces and territories as they develop and implement strategies to address the needs of affected populations?

Documented external review by content and methods experts

Was documentation included with the CPGs demonstrating an external group of content and methods experts have conducted a final review of the recommendations?

Plans for implementation outlined

Was documentation Included with the CPGs sharing plans for the effective implementation of practice changes that have been prepared in accordance with contemporary principles of “knowledge mobilization” ?

Ethical implications considered

What consideration for the potential ethical implications of the recommended changes in practice was conducted?

Submit CPGs

Submit CPGs for Endorsement to:

Telephone: (403) 229-9544
Fax: (403) 229-1661