Annual Canadian Neuroradiology Course

The Canadian Neuroradiology Course (CNRC) is offered annually in November. It will be held virtually and aims to be as interactive as possible with multiple “Case-based” sessions, presenting interesting and challenging cases to the audience.

Topics include NeuroPediatrics, Tumors, Neurodegenerative, and Metabolic Diseases in the first part of the course while in the second part Vascular Diseases, Infectious/Inflammatory pathologies, Head and Neck as well as the Spine are covered. This course attracts high-level speakers from across Canada, the US, and the United Kingdom.

The CSNR endorses this course as an official teaching course for neuroradiologists.

This program was developed following a review of objective data including practice data, literature surveys/reviews, consultation with experts in the field, and the experience and needs perceived by members of the planning committee. As well, subjective data from the previous year’s evaluations was reviewed in detail to create a focus for the year’s program.

Target Audience

Radiologists, Neurologists, Pediatric Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neuroradiologists, Nurses

Learn More

Learn more about the Annual Canadian Neuroradiology Course (CNRC):

recordings | Canadian Neuroradiology Course (CNRC)