Neurology Rounds | CNS

national Neurology Grand Rounds

The Canadian Neurological Society (CNS) organizes the Canadian National Neurology Grand Rounds to highlight major clinical and research updates for Canadian neurologists, neurology learners, and researchers. These rounds take place four times per year and are held on Fridays at Noon ET / 9AM PT / 1PM AT. An email will be sent to the membership in advance of each session for pre-registration. While attendance is restricted to Canadian neurologists, trainees, and researchers, membership in the CNS or CNSF is not required. With the permission of speakers, sessions may be recorded for future viewing by CNSF members. 

The CNS National Neurology Grand Rounds is a self-approved group learning activity (section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, with an online record of attendance. These rounds provide an excellent opportunity to highlight faculty and exciting clinical and research programs at a national level. They also provide a wonderful opportunity for neurologists across Canada to interact and to facilitate collaborative opportunities.

If you or anyone at your Centre would like to give a presentation at the Neurology Grand Rounds, please contact


FRIDAYS • Noon ET / 9:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM AT • Pre-registration required, Members watch your email.

Check back to view details for the next National Neurology Grand Rounds.

Target Audience: Canadian neurologists, neurology trainees (residents, fellows, medical students), any neurology researchers
Duration: one hour


The National Neurology Grand Rounds is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, with an online record of attendance.

Attendance records for the National Neurology Grand Rounds are based on the electronic record from the Zoom platform for 1 hour, and completion of an evaluation form. 

recordings | CNS national neurology GRAND rounds


International Behavioural Neurology Videoconference Rounds

The International Behavioural Neurology Videoconference Rounds, established in 2005, are co-Chaired by Dr. Morris Freedman and Dr. Sandra Black. They are coordinated by the Division of Neurology, University of Toronto, and are under the auspices of:

  • Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation (CNSF)
  • Canadian Neurological Society (CNS)
  • Peter A. Silverman Global eHealth Program (PASGeP)
  • Canada-International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO)

These rounds are broadcast internationally on Wednesdays from 8:00 am – 9:00 am ET during the academic year, via Zoom. There is no cost to register and participate. The goal is to share knowledge in behavioural neurology and cognitive brain health on a global scale.

The International Behavioural Neurology Videoconference Rounds are an accredited group learning activity as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, with an online record of attendance system.

Recordings of past rounds are available on the Baycrest website: 

(When creating an account to access the recordings, select “Behavioural Neurology Video Conf Rounds” when prompted to choose a “role.”) 

IMPORTANT: These rounds are restricted to practitioners, students, and researchers in health care.