National Grand Rounds | CACN

child neurology National Grand Rounds

The Canadian Association of Child Neurology (CACN) began running National Grand Rounds in 2008 and still continue, with the intent of 2 sessions presented each year.

These national rounds allows trainees and child neurologists to interact, thus promoting networking and cohesion. There is typically a more senior member overseeing the Rounds presentation and a resident member that will plan and present the case. The format is presentation of an interesting case with discussion of the differential diagnosis by all participants, revelation of the diagnosis and a brief presentation of the condition.  

This is a volunteer run endeavor through the CACN board and the CACN membership, with the hosting location based on session volunteers. The presenting centre is able to utilize their preferred webcast format, ie ZOOM, Microsoft Teams, etc. Participants connect via PC with a webcam, speaker & mic. You can join on an individual basis in your own office or bring a laptop with a webcam to your conference room and hook up to your screen for group participation.  

If your center would be interested in presenting a session for CACN National Grand Rounds, please contact

Rounds Publication

The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences (CJNS), has created a special submission category for presenting centers to submit their Rounds results for possible publication within the Journal. When your centre has completed a session of CACN National Grand Rounds you can submit via the CJNS hosting platform with Cambridge University Press / Cambridge Core. Select your submission category as a “Clinical Case Conference”.  If you do not already have a separate login with the CJNS, you can create an account or login with your ORCID ID which tracks all of your scholarly publications.

CACN National Grand Rounds

Scheduled on Fridays - 10 Pacific, 11 Mountain, 12 Central, 1 Eastern, 2 Atlantic

CACN National Grand Rounds - February 21, 2025

Title - One Cause to Rule Them All

Presenters: Lindsey Vogt (PGY5), Adrienne Sulistyo (PGY3) and Curtis Hay (Neuroinflammatory Fellow)

Hosted by the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children

CACN National Grand Rounds – February 2, 2024

*Please note the Time Change for this session - 9 Pacific, 10 Mountain, 11 Central, 12 Eastern, 1 Atlantic

Title: A 15-year-old with acute paralysis

Presenters: Jessie Kulaga-Yoskovitz PGY4 and Pouneh Amir-Yazdani PGY2

Under the supervision of Dre Inge Meijer, CHU Sainte-Justine

May 5th, 2023 Presentation

Presentation by program residents, Dr Ruixang Sun and Dr Stephanie Hammond

May 5, 2023 - Hosted by Dr Colleen Curtis, University of Calgary, Pediatric Neurology Program Director

Old Flames and Second Chances

Presenter: Mary Jeffers, Pediatric Neurology R5 

December 16, 2022 - Host James Lee, Pediatric Neurologist, BC Children's Hospital

Seizing Power

Presenters: Ahmed Sahly (PGY3) and Dr Ken Myers

May 13, 2022 – Host Dr Ken Myers – McGill University

Like Somebody I Used To Know - Lessons Learned From The Diagnosis And Management Of A Complex Patient

Presenter: Alexander Freibauer

October 22, 2021 – Host David Callen – McMaster University

An Infant with Fever and Seizures

Sarah Buttle

April 30, 2021  Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

A case-based presentation on neonatal hypertonia

Jennifer Gagné

Dec 11, 2020  Hospital Sainte Justine, Montreal

Meandering Case of a Sleepy Kid

Edward Leung

June 26, 2020  Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg

Rare and Devastating: what have we learned?

Jay Kassiri and Janette Mailo with PGY4 Amanda Yaworski

Nov. 22, 2019  University of Alberta

Stepwise decline. Is it always energy failure?

David Callen with PGY4 resident Mandeep Sidhu

May. 17, 2019  McMaster University

Febrile Seizures, Not Always so Simple

Ann Yeh and Tina Go with residents Thiviya Selvanathan / Carolina Gorodetsky

Nov. 23, 2018  Toronto Hospital for Sick Children

Unpredictable etiology of transient hemiplegia

Salah Almubarak

April 13, 2018  Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon

Keep calm, and look into the eyes

Andrea Andrade with Ahmad Alanezi

Nov. 24, 2017  London - Children's Hospital of Western Ontario

Keep Calm and Carry On

Aleksandra Mineyko, Adam Kirton & Team

Apr. 21, 2017  Calgary- Alberta Children's Hospital

Progressive Spasticity in a Young Girl

Sunita Venkateswaran / Salini Thulasirajah

Oct 21, 2016  CHEO, Ottawa

Inflamed in the Brain

Juliette Hukin

Apr. 22, 2016  BC Children's Hospital

Anterior Myelitis

Juliette Hukin / Katherine Muir

Nov. 21, 2014  BC Children's Hospital

Oh No, September again!

Juan Pablo Appendino

Nov. 15, 2013  Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre

A case of progressive brain destruction

Lionel Carmant & residents

May 31, 2013  Hopital Sainte-Justine

Headache and Seizures - The Mouse that Roared

Ramesh RamachandranNair and Robyn Whitney

Nov. 23, 2012  McMaster University

The case of the unusually stiff infant

Craig Campbell

Mar 30, 2012  London Health Sciences Centre

"My head, my head! I'm dead, I'm dead."

Thilinie Rajapakse and Adam Kirton

Nov. 18, 2011  Calgary - Alberta Children’s Hospital

An interesting case of a child presenting with status epilepticus

Elizabeth Donner

Dec. 10, 2010  Toronto Hospital for Sick Children

A Peculiar Gait Disturbance

Paula Brna

May 21, 2010  Halifax - IWK Health Centre

Persistent hemiparesis after resolved status epilepticus

Sharon Whiting

Nov. 20, 2009  Ontario - CHEO

Richard Tang-Wai / Lionel Carmant

Mar. 6, 2009  Edmonton - U of Alberta

Demyelinating Case

Juliette Hukin and Mary Connolly

Apr. 25, 2008  Vancouver - BC Children's Hospital