Canadian Leaders in Pediatric Neurology | CACN

The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences (CJNS) has a published series of resident interviews with Canadian Leaders in Neurology. These interviews focus on mentorship, career pearls, and the future directions of Canadian neurology. This initiative originated with the Canadian Neurological Society and the CNS Resident Representatives and has produced interviews that have been intelligent and fun. They also provide rewarding experiences and connections for both the resident and their featured “leader”.

In 2023 this series expanded to include Canadian Leaders in Pediatric Neurology, accepting interview submissions from CACN resident members.

If you are a Junior member of the CACN, and you are interested in interviewing a leader in your profession, please contact: 

Canadian Leader in PEDIATRIC Neurology InterviewS

Canadian Leader in Pediatric Neurology: Dr. Steven Miller

Featured Dr. Steven Miller

Interviewed by Dakota J. S. J. Peacock

View CNS 'Canadian Leader in Neurology' interviews.