CANN and Allied Health Care Professionals
The CNSF recently changed its By-laws to allow for CANN and the Allied Health Care Professionals (AHCP) to become members of the CNSF. CANN and AHCPs will enjoy many of the benefits of being a CNSF Member, at a substantially reduced membership rate.
The following organizations have agreed to have their members participate as CNSF members. The primary ‘condition’ of doing so is that they first must become members of their own organizations.
CANN Affiliate Society
Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses (CANN)
Mandate: The Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses (C.A.N.N.) sets standards of practice and promotes continuing professional education and research. Members collaborate with individuals, families, interdisciplinary teams and communities to prevent illness and to improve health outcomes for people with, or at risk for, neurological disorders.
Allied Health Care Professionals
Canadian Association of Electroneurophysiology Technologists Inc. (CAET)
Mandate: The Canadian Association of Electroneurophysiology Technologists (CAET) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to advance and promote the science, knowledge, technology and technical standards of electroneurophysiology in Canada.
The Association of Electromyography Technologists of Canada (AETC)
Mandate: This national professional Association was established to further the standards and education of individuals engaged in the practice of EMG technology and related disciplines; to promote and encourage the art and science of EMG technology; to provide liaison and promote discussion and exchange of ideas within the field of EMG technology.
If you are a member of any of the above organizations and wish to also become a CNSF - CANN and AHCP member, please contact your respective organization.
The CNSF is also working with other AHCP organizations in its efforts to expand this membership category to bring in additional groups and their members.